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The Enemy Within: Your Own Computer

The Enemy Within: Your Own Computer

To this day, the ancient adage "If you want a companion, acquire a dog" is still relevant in our technologically advanced world. Animals have long been recognized in the medical field for their ability to help people live longer and better lives. Don't rely on your computer for your whole existence.

One clergyman once observed that to soothe the suffering and torment the comfortable, In other words, a computer is an inanimate electro-mechanical entity, but a genuine living pet is alive. The pet provides consolation, but the computer is a thief and a killer when misused or overused.

If you use Microsoft software and an operating system, your computer will need much more attention than a dog or cat. This alone is enough to raise the heart rate of the majority of consumers. A person's body may begin to feel the effects after a certain number of times. There are fewer channels now than there were when we only had three snowy channels on a little black-and-white television, and each channel required a trip outside in the pouring rain, freezing cold, blowing snow, or scorching heat to adjust a huge antenna attached to a corner of the house. If you're fortunate, you'll get the best image if someone in the home is screaming out to you.

When your computer locks up and a popup appears on the monitor's screen indicating it has to restart immediately, you know what I'm talking about. Your computer won't allow you to do anything else unless you agree to the restart. You've just wasted a few precious minutes of productivity. My blood pressure has risen again! Yes, it is, especially for a mountain man like the Tennessee Mountain Man!

As much as Father believes he is acting in his children's best interests, Mom was always more concerned about how watching TV might affect their eyes. A twenty-one inch display, placed even closer to the laptop, is now permitted by the same mother to be used by her children and grandkids for endless gaming sessions. That means our youngsters are donning eyeglasses and contact lenses at an earlier and earlier age than ever before.

As a result of Mom's insistence that the children spend more time outdoors playing in the yard rather than worrying over the magic box in the corner, they were healthier. Cases of pediatric diabetes and obesity also decreased significantly.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome wasn't even on the radar for mom and dad, who had never heard of it. These days, the computer guy and everyone else are almost compelled to spend some time in front of a computer. Computer-related illness has now become a problem for the whole family, or at least a potential one.

The heart, a muscle, is getting little to no workout these days, thanks to the widespread use of personal computers and gaming gadgets. The PC seems to have taken the rest of mankind, as if television had not already produced enough couch potatoes to cause heart muscle atrophy.

A computer can't keep you warm at night or take a moonlit stroll hand in hand with you. When you're ill or upset, it won't be able to lift your spirits. If you are hungry or thirsty, it is unable to provide you with either food or water at this time. In the meantime, the PC is unable to engage in polite discourse. Internet addictions and all of the internet's enticements are not actual social connections and can't fulfill the libido, no matter how hard some people attempt to make it so.

It may and can cause rifts between spouses and wives, as well as between children and their parents, when used incorrectly. Once hooked, and it is very addictive, it may, and has, cost people their jobs. In the same way that a gossipy neighbor or an enraged lover might spill the beans about you, it has a tendency to spill the beans about you to anybody who would listen. As if that wasn't enough, hackers from persons with nefarious intents, to your company, to Microsoft, to insurance and financial organizations, and to the government may access your computer's information at any time. Your computer, which you trust like a scorned lover, is more than happy to betray you and disclose your guts.

What's up, buddy? It's me, my computer. How could anybody have enemies among such friends?

Professionals at Remote Helpdesk 1, for example, may provide guidance on how to guard against a gabby computer. Go outdoors and have some fun now that the snarky computer has been turned off.

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