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SEO Traffic Generation or Blogging Traffic?

SEO Traffic Generation or Blogging Traffic?

It's been suggested and even written that blogging outperforms SEO when it comes to attracting site visitors. Are you better off using blogging traffic or SEO traffic development techniques?

In reality, a lot depends on you and what you want the traffic for, as well as whatever you prefer: blogs or regular websites. As for why the difference is being made, I'm baffled. Anyone who is serious about internet marketing and generating large amounts of traffic would employ both methods. There's no need to make a decision between the two. Such arguments give me the impression that they are more scholarly than a matter of which generates more traffic. However, feelings might be incorrect, so it's worth discussing more.

If you think about it, visitors who find your site through a blog search may have different wants and requirements than those who find it via a Google or Yahoo search using certain keywords. While search engines and keywords might lead you to blogs, it's unlikely that you'd go to a blog to make a purchase, would it?

Blogs aren't the greatest place to get the best deal on Titleist golf balls. In the same way, if you wanted to talk about the advantages of blogging or forums, you'd do it there. It may be hard to identify the difference these days since blogs are getting more and more involved, but you get the gist. I certainly hope so!

Anything goes when it comes to advertising on a blog or website. While blogs are a great source of knowledge, you are more likely to make a purchase via a website. As a result, visitors to your blog are likely to be information searchers, but visitors to your website may also be interested in making a purchase. We can see right away that blog readers are distinct from visitors to a website.

Bloggers and search engine users often have similar goals, so it's difficult to tell the two apart. If you have a blog on your website, you're more likely to attract visitors who are more inclined to return on a regular basis. A visitor to your blog who doesn't reply to your opt-in form may not come back very often; but, someone who does reply to your opt-in form will be more likely to return.

Returning to the original topic, I don't think it matters which method of driving visitors is better, blog traffic or SEO traffic, as long as they are both free. You may claim SEO traffic is more focused since they used your exact keywords to get there, but blog traffic could come from ezines and other non-targeted sources, which may not be unique to any product you're offering. For me, it doesn't matter where the traffic comes from as long as it gets to my website, and once it does, it's up to me to turn it into sales.

There is a significant time difference between SEO visitors and bloggers, since bloggers prefer to return more often. Therefore, if you don't create an instant effect on SEO visitors, you may find it difficult to keep them coming back to your website. In order to get your SEO visitors to come back to your website, you'll need to remain in touch with them through your opt-in page.

Those that read your blog on a regular basis do not need any further encouragement, as your posts are enough to keep them coming back for more. All of this assumes that your blog is hosted on an individual website rather than a blog server, which a large number of people do (if not all).

My results on blog traffic and SEO traffic, as well as whether one generates more purchases than the other, will be posted on my website, so you can see whether I am on the right track or not. It's helpful to know, since for a website whose primary purpose is to sell items, it may help assess whether or not a blog is worth the effort.

Decisions like these may make all the difference in the world, so they should be based on facts and logic rather than speculative guesswork. Scientific testing is often the difference between those who succeed and those who fail in internet marketing.

So, which is better for driving traffic: blogging or SEO? What if? I'm hoping to find out soon, and I'll let you know when I'm done with my testing on my website.

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